Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Ralph S. McCallum

Committee Members

Dianne Whitaker, Robert Williams, Rich Saudargas


Transition programs were created for kindergarten students who are not developmentally ready for the curriculum and increased structure of the first grade. After a transition year, students are placed in a regular first grade program. This study presents findings from one school that integrates transition students with first grade students. These transition students were compared with a previous transition class that was homogeneous and with a group of students who were recommended for transition but due to budget cuts were not placed. Academic and special education data were collected from the cumulative records of forty- eight students who were recommended for transition. This study found no significant differences in these three groups of students (N = 48) in achievement, number of referrals for special education, or special education placement (p >.05).

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