Doctoral Dissertations

Orcid ID


Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Andrew J. Yu

Committee Members

Mingzhou Jin, James Ostrowski, Shuai Li


This dissertation presents contributions to the field of vehicle routing problems by utilizing exact methods, heuristic approaches, and the integration of machine learning with traditional algorithms. The research is organized into three main chapters, each dedicated to a specific routing problem and a unique methodology. The first chapter addresses the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Transshipments and Time Windows, a variant that permits product transfers between vehicles to enhance logistics flexibility and reduce costs. To solve this problem, we propose an efficient mixed-integer linear programming model that has been shown to outperform existing ones. The second chapter discusses a practical workforce scheduling problem, formulated as a specific type of vehicle routing problem. The objective here is to efficiently assign consultants to various clients and plan their trips. This computational challenge is addressed by using a two-stage approach: the first stage employs a mathematical model, while the second stage refines the solution with a heuristic algorithm. In the final chapter, we explore methods that integrate machine learning with traditional approaches to address the Traveling Salesman Problem, a foundational routing challenge. Our goal is to utilize supervised learning to predict information that boosts the efficiency of existing algorithms. Taken together, these three chapters offer a comprehensive overview of methodologies for addressing vehicle routing problems.

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