Doctoral Dissertations

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Animal Science

Major Professor

Brynn H. Voy

Committee Members

Jon Beever, Daniel Mathew, Ahmed Bettaieb, Jennie Ivey


Chapter 1 of this dissertation introduces key concepts related to adipose tissue in broiler chickens, emphasizing the role of dietary fatty acids and adipose growth mechanisms. The chapter investigates the potential of reducing fat accumulation in broiler chickens through n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplementation. Chapter 2 presents the development and optimization of a preadipocyte isolation method from broiler chicken embryos, a crucial step that sets the stage for future investigations and experiments. Chapter 3 delves into the effects of maternal fish oil supplementation on adipose tissue development in broiler chick embryos, illuminating the influence of maternal nutrition on offspring adipose development. Chapter 4 explores the impact of maternal fish oil on the transcriptome and methylome of adipose tissue in broiler chick embryos, providing comprehensive insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms. Chapter 5 serves as a concise summary of the results and findings of this study. Collectively, this dissertation enhances our understanding of how maternal dietary n-3 PUFA can influence adipose tissue development in broiler chickens. The findings herein offer promising avenues for reducing fat accretion and enhancing the overall health of poultry, with potential implications for broader applications in animal and human health.

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