Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Robert Kirk

Committee Members

Bill Wallace, Susan Smith, Frank Leuthold


This primary purpose of this study was to conduct a Household Hazardous Waste needs assessment of a sample of the population of Knox County, Tennessee. This study was designed to provide quantifiable information on the attitudes and opinions of Knox County Tennessee residents on the use and disposal of Household Hazardous Waste.

The study was conducted using telephone survey methodology and a survey form developed by Tyris Environmental of Tucson, Arizona under a grant form the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Health Sciences. The study involved four hundred eleven participants, and data were collected on subject matter ranging fi-om purchasing habits to disposal habits. Demographic data were collected and used in the data analysis, in an attempt to identify trends in knowledge, attitudes, and habits.

The secondary purpose of this study was to use these findings as a basis for the development of a public educational information and awareness program.

Given the categories of materials studied, which included automotive products, paint products, pesticides, household cleaners, batteries, and miscellaneous chemicals, the study found that the population of Knox County Tennessee most commonly purchased cleaners and household batteries. When disposal habits were considered, the most commonly improperly disposed of material was in the form of household batteries, 81.1% of the respondents reported that they put household batteries in the garbage for regular pick up. Seventy four percent of the respondents were aware of potential health problems associated with the improper use and disposal of these materials, and 86.3% were aware of pollution problems caused by the improper disposal of these materials. A large percentage of participants (71.4%) were not aware that Knox County Tennessee has a permanent disposal facility for Household Hazardous Waste.

Using the Pearson chi square test and a .05 level of significance, several areas of Statistical significance were found. Significant relationships were found between: (1) home ownership and awareness of a permanent Household Hazardous Waste collection center in Knox County; (2) age and awareness of the collection center; and (3) home ownership as compared to willingness to travel to reach a collection center.

The pilot and main studies were conducted over a seven-month period, lasting fi-om January 1999 to July 1999.

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