Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

George W. Harris Jr.,

Committee Members

Malcolm McInnis, Sandra Twardosz, Olga Welch


This study examined the educational decision-making processes of parents with middle school age children who are deaf. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were implemented to gain a better understanding of the resources families utilized when making educational decisions for their children. Parents who had chosen a wide range of communication and placement options for their children were invited to participate in the study. Seventeen families living in remote areas of Georgia,Kentucky, Louisiana, and Tennessee participated in personal interview within their homes or their children's schools.All families completed a questionnaire consisting of a demographic section and a Likert Scale, prior to the interviews. Through the use of a semi-structured interview format, the parents were asked to describe their experiences as their children transitioned through the following stages: theage of identification (hearing loss), the transition into elementary school, and the transition into middle school.Data analysis yielded several inter-related themes common to families during critical periods of transition. The majority of families experienced a period of shock and grief once their children's hearing loss was documented.When seeking to learn about deafness and related issues, the parents utilized several resources: the parents (themselves), family and friends, medicalVIprofessionals, and educational professionals. The degree to which families utilized these resources and their interaction with various support services was directly related to their individual parenting styles. Three patterns of parenting emerged from the data: Trusting Self, Trusting Others/TrustingSelf, and Trusting Others. When asked to give advice to other families with young children who are deaf, parents suggested exploring all communication and placement options, becoming a parent advocate, and practicing patience.

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