Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Patricia A. Beitel

Committee Members

Dianne Whitaker, Mary Dale Blanton, William Poppen


The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the perceptions of collegiate student-athletes with regard to: (a) their perceptions about the meaning of personal growth, (b) the characteristics of their personal growth experiences, and (c) the impact of their sport-related personal growth experiences on sport and non-sport aspects of their lives. The participants were eight male, Caucasian college student-athletes who had competed in NCAA Division I athletics for three or more years. Because the perceptions of student-athletes provided the basis for the study, qualitative research methods were employed. This study was conducted using an in-depth, semi-structured interview guide during two sessions with the participants. In the first session, the student-athletes described their perceptions of personal growth and their sport-related growth experiences during their college athletic careers. In the second session, the participants clarified and/or elaborated on their responses from the first session. The student-athletes described personal growth as a process of achieving balance and expanding the capabilities.The participants achieved balance in four areas: (a) priorities; (b)emotions; (c) perspectives; and (d) responsibilities. The student-athletes expanded their capabilities by improving their athletic and interpersonal skills. The types of experiences that the student-athletes described as growth experiences included: (a) success and hardship; (b) interaction with others; and (c) event-related emotions. These sport-related experiences influenced the student-athletes’ lives academically and socially. They Applied the lessons that they learned through their sport-related experiences to enhance their academic performance and their ability to interact and communicate with others. Participants’ descriptions of their perceptions of the meaning of personal growth in sports followed the theories of individual development of college students. The results are discussed with regard to related research on personal growth and college student development. Recommendations for future research are presented.

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