Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

James R. Thompson

Committee Members

T.A. Callcott, M.Breinig, A.J. Pedraza


Magnetization studies on a single crystal of YNi2B2C superconductor have revealed significant effects of nonlocality in the superconductive state and have displayed a significant angular variation in normal state. The 17 mg crystal was studied at temperatures Τ from above Τc(15 K) to 2 ~ 3 K, in magnetic fields Η applied parallel and perpendicular to the (001)-crystal axis, within magnetic fields from zero to Η Ηc2, the upper critical field. The material exhibited little magnetic irreversibility, with a critical current density ~ 10-4 x J0, the depairing current density. This nearly reversible behavior has allowed an analysis of its equilibrium properties: the thermodynamic critical field Hc(T), Hc2(T), and the magnetization M(H,T) in both the normal and superconductive states. Near Tc, the equilibrium magnetization M of the clean single crystal of YNi2B2C was standard London-like with M α ln(H) Well below Tc however, M is shown to deviate significantly from this simple "local" London predictions, but the behavior is well described by "non-local" London theory, which is a more general theory derived by Kogan et al. [Phys. Rev. B 54, 12386 (1996)]. The non-local analysis yields reasonable values for the nonlocality radius ρ and London penetration depth λ. The T dependence of λ was obtained from both non-local London analysis at low temperatures and a standard local-London analysis near Τc. Contrary to the exponential dependence expected for simple s-wave pairing, the nearly Τ3behavior for λ(7) below 10 K seems to give evidence for a more complex, perhaps non-jwave pairing scheme. In addition, the normal state magnetic susceptibility was measured -IVin the temperature regime between 16 K and 295 K in an applied field of 10 kG, for the magnetic field applied parallel or perpendicular to the crystalline (OOl)-direction. The material exhibited a large anisotropy between the two field orientations, particularly in the low temperature regime. Furthermore, according to heat capacity studies of YNi2B2C, the material appears to deviate from both weak- and strong-coupling superconductive mechanisms, but agrees relatively well with predictions [Ce,supert3] of a medium-coupling formalism. From magnetization and heat capacity studies, the deduced values of the Ginzburg-Landau parameters κ1 and κ2 increase considerably as T decreases. This is consistent with the material's long electronic mean fi-ee path and the observation of non local electrodynamics.

Several features of high temperature superconductors were investigated in complementary work. In studies of the effects of adding elemental Ag to high Τc superconducting HgBa2Cu04+ materials, a series of polycrystalline AgJIgBa2Cu04+j materials (with molar fraction x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5) were investigated. The processing with Ag at elevated temperatures led to changes in superconducting properties. These are consistently interpreted in terms of the superconducting hole density, calculated from the London penetration depth λ by analysis of the equilibrium magnetization M using standard London theory. The irreversible magnetic properties of these materials are dominated by surface barrier effects and are well described in terms of thermally activated tunneling of pancake vortices through a surface barrier.

For practical applications, vortex pinning in high-Tc superconducting (HTS) materials is very important. To pin vortices strongly, splayed columnar tracks produced -Vusing a fission process, induced by high energy (GeV) proton irradiation, have been formed in several HTS materials. Overall, the magnetic hysteresis ΔMJ) of the materials is greatly increased by the splayed columnar defects. The hysteresis or persistent current density first increases with increasing the proton fluence Φp, then passes through an optimal proton fluence, and finally decreases at much higher Φp. In contrast with ΔMJ)that is enhanced significantly by the columnar defects, the superconducting transition temperature Tc is suppressed somewhat, with a material-dependent rate. By analyzing the decay rate of J with a time in a Maley analysis, the effective pinning energy U(J) was obtained with both irradiated and unirradiated materials. The net pinning potential barrier of vortices is clearly enhanced by the splayed columnar tracks, from 0.8 GeV proton irradiation. In general, these splayed columnar defects lead to significant enhancements in the vortex pinning effect within the HTS materials investigated.

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