Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

Donald J. Dessart

Committee Members

Carl Wagner, Karl Jost, Stephanie Robinson


The purpose of this study was to design, teach, and evaluate an undergraduate interdisciplinary mathematics course based on certain patterns, primarily the Fibonacci sequence. Rationale for the course includes the benefits of connected learning and the scarcity of liberal arts courses based on mathematics. The course is intended to emphasize pattern exploration in mathematics as well as in other disciplines. It is hoped that students in the course will find connections between mathematics and history, art, architecture, music, literature, nature, and economics.

Course design includes a syllabus, student textbook, and sample lesson plans. The student textbook explores mathematical connections with the Fibonacci sequence such as the golden ratio, Pascal's triangle, Pythagorean triples, combinatorics, and fractal geometry. Historical background of Leonardo Fibonacci's life and times in the High Middle Ages is used to introduce the course. Applications of Fibonacci numbers in art, architecture, music, literature, nature, and economics are discussed. Students are asked to assess the meaning of these connections in light of their liberal arts experience.

Evaluation of the course, primarily qualitative in nature, gives evidence that the pilot offering of the course enabled students to see relationships between various fields of study in a new way.

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