Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

John Gaventa

Committee Members

Fran Ansley, Asafa Jalata, Robert Gorman


This study incorporates the theoretical elements of power, resistance, and the state into an analysis of local economic development. A case study approach is employed to examine economic development in Roane County, Tennessee. Specifically, what do historical and more current economic development trends in Roane County reveal about relation ships of power, the role of the state, and resistance? The incorporation of the three theoretical elements results in a" more dialectical approach and more holistic analysis of local economic development because the dynamic linkages between structure and agency are explored.

Data for this research project have been drawn from multiple sources. In-depth interviews were conducted with members from both development organizations and resistance organizations to better understand their divergent perspectives and models for development. Documentary evidence, such as newspaper articles, official reports, and letters, was also collected and analyzed to provide a fuller explanation of recent events in Roane County. In addition, as a participant-observer over the past few years, I collected many notes on development issues and initiatives, which are also included as data in the analysis.

Findings from the data suggest that a small group of economic and political elites has historically controlled the process of development in Roane County. Also, development policies and practices have reflected the economic interests of business and industry. These findings support neo-Marxist theories that the state serves to accommodate its accumulation f\anction, thereby protecting the interests of the dominant economic class.

Findings also reveal that the state is responsive to its legitimation function. For instance, local officials have been forced to respond to organized resistance regarding economic development. Therefore, findings support the dual function of the state to foster capitalist accumulation and maintain legitimation.

Finally, findings reveal that resistance has made an impact in Roane County. Organized resistance to policies and practices has created free spaces which have altered citizens' perspectives on development. As a result, the relationships of power have been tested and the local polity has been forced to respond to the interests and grievances of resistors. This lends support to the idea that the state is "contestable terrain," an arena for citizen knowledge and participation to prevail in the struggle for justice.

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