Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

Hongyu Zhou

Committee Members

Hongyu Zhou, Baoshan Huang, Shuai Li, Som Shrestha, Farbod Fahimi


The building sector accounts for 30% of total energy consumption worldwide. Responsive building envelopes (or RBEs) are one of the approaches to achieving net-zero energy and grid-interactive efficient buildings. However, research and development of RBEs are still in the early stages of technologies, simulation, control, and design. The control strategies in prior studies did not fully explore the potential of RBEs or they obtained good performance with high design and deployment costs. A low-cost strategy that does not require knowledge of complex systems is needed, while no studies have investigated online implementations of model-free control approaches for RBEs. To address these challenges, this dissertation describes a multidisciplinary study of the modeling, control, and design of RBEs, to understand mechanisms governing their dynamic properties and synthesis rules of multiple technologies through simulation analyses. Widely applicable mathematical models are developed that can be easily extended for multiple RBE types with validation. Computational frameworks (or co-simulation testbeds) that flexibly integrate multiple control methods and building simulation models are established with higher computation efficiency than that using commercial software during offline training. To overcome the limitations of the control strategies (e.g., rule-based control and MPC) in prior research, a novel easy-to-implement yet flexible ‘demand-based’ control strategy, and model-free online control strategies using deep reinforced learning are proposed for RBEs composed of active insulation systems (AISs). Both the physics-derived and model-free control strategies fully leverage the advantages of AISs and provide higher energy savings and thermal comfort improvement over traditional temperature-based control methods in prior research and demand-based control. The case studies of RBEs that integrate AISs and high thermal mass or self-adaptive/active modules (e.g., evaporative cooling techniques and dynamic glazing/shading) demonstrate the superior performance of AISs in regulating thermal energy transfer to offset AC demands during the synergy. Moreover, the controller design and training implications are elaborated. The applicability assessment of promising RBE configurations is presented along with design implications based on building energy analyses in multiple scenarios. The design and control implications represent an interactive and holistic way to operate RBEs allowing energy and thermal comfort performances to be tuned for maximum efficiency.

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