Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. James Ostrowski

Committee Members

Dr. Wendy Tate, Dr. Andrew Yu, Dr. Mingzhou Jin.


The rapid pace of technological advancement has resulted in a growth in data quantities and velocities across all industries, most notably in scientific research. Scientific user facilities owned and managed by the United States federal government are not-for-profit, aim to accelerate scientific discovery and increase knowledge creation by providing a system that supports users to solve difficult scientific issues, and have struggled with the challenge of how to fully use the promise of big data produced by a scientific experimental facility. Inability in the face of this adversity has substantially constrained the scientific research community’s capacity for breakthroughs in science. To tackle this challenge, we proposed a new hybrid model called the multi-armed newsvendor model and designed an integrated framework based on it with the intent of fostering scientific discovery. The multi-period newsvendor model emphasizes the importance of information sharing, while the multi-armed bandit framework instructs the customer on how to best address the exploration vs exploitation conundrum. Taking use of the synergy between the two models permits shorter exploratory runs and provides motivation for digitizing the data supply chain to promote near-real-time information sharing. Simulations on the proposed framework manifested by sharing information in real-time with a larger group of domain experts, the customer will maximize yields during a test campaign. Additionally, investigating a case study at NASA within the context of suggested treatment confirmed the striking financial savings in this area.

The aerospace industry is poised to reap the benefits of the data deluge. Specifically in the design phase. The field is rich in physics-based models, and now rich in data. By viewing how the scientific data supply chain is currently arranged and application of the multi-armed newsvendor model, the benefits of information sharing give us reason to digitally transform the scientific data supply chain by changing the transportation method.

The application of the multi-armed newsvendor model will see a broad impact in the areas of scientific research, as well as facility and engineering management. By innovating the transportation method of the scientific data supply chain, technical inclusion and technical accessibility will be enabled.

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