Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Educational Psychology and Research

Major Professor

Gary J. Skolits

Committee Members

Jennifer A. Morrow, Terry T. Ishitani, Mary C. Hammon


This study examines the relationship between self-directed learning (measured using the PRO-SDLS) and character strengths (measured using the VIA-IS-P), as well as gender, age, and stage of doctoral study, in Ph.D. students. This relationship is examined using Hiemstra and Brockett's Person Process Context (PPC) model of self-directed learning and Peterson and Seligman's positive psychology VIA Model for Character Strengths and Virtues. The multiple regression study found that ten of 24 character strengths, as well as age, were associated with one or more of the four components of self-directed learning (initiative, control, self-efficacy, and motivation), as well as the composite measure.

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