Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

Shuai Li

Committee Members

Shuai Li, Qiang He, Nina Fefferman, Jiannan Cai


The transmission of airborne diseases indoors is a significant challenge to public health. Buildings are hotspots for viral transmission, which can result in adverse effects on human health and quality of life, especially considering that individuals spend approximately 87% of their time indoors. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of considering health aspects during the development of sustainable built environments. Consequently, maintaining a healthy, sustainable, and comfortable built environment represents a major challenge for facilities management teams. However, research on the infection risks associated with emerging pandemics is still in its infancy, and the effectiveness of intervention strategies remains uncertain. Furthermore, the complex interplay between health, energy consumption, and human comfort remains poorly understood, impeding the development of comprehensive control strategies that encompass all three critical dimensions of building sustainability. In addition, existing technologies have limitations to conduct real-time monitoring, while current communication methods between occupants and facilities management teams suffer from a lack of effectiveness, user-friendliness, and informativeness. These deficiencies hinder their ability to address the pressing needs of occupants during pandemics.

To address these challenges, this dissertation proposes a convergent framework that integrates modeling, simulation, and monitoring methodologies for the development and maintenance of a sustainable built environment. Airborne transmission risks were first modeled and estimated under different epidemic scenarios, allowing for the evaluation of various intervention strategies. Facility data was then used to develop methods for modeling and simulating the dimensions of energy consumption and thermal comfort, allowing for the identification of tradeoff relationships among health, energy, and comfort, and quantitatively analyzing the impact of indoor environments through HVAC control strategies on the three major dimensions. Finally, an integrated platform was developed to enable the real-time assessment of health, energy, and comfort, including monitoring, visualization, and conversational communication functionalities. The developed framework thus encompasses modeling, simulation, monitoring, and communication capabilities and can be widely adopted by facility management teams, providing insights and guidance to governments and policymakers based on their specific needs. The applicability of the framework extends beyond specific pandemics and can be used to address a broader range of infectious diseases.

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