Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Robert G. Wahler

Committee Members

Anne McIntyre, Rich Saudargas, Mick Nordquist


There are few studies of children's observed roles in their generalized social behaviors across settings. This study investigates a model in which child behavior is proposed to generalize across settings through a child's development of response styles, amounting to aggregates of behaviors. Two predominant response styles are examined: a responsive style and a negative style. Thirty-three mother-child and teacher-child dyads were observed in social interaction for one hour and coded for degree of compliance, responsiveness, opposition, and negativity. Correlational findings suggested generalization across settings in the child response aggregates, but not in their keystone specific behaviors. However, since these keystones were parts of their aggregates, they appeared to be "carried" across settings by their generalized aggregates. These results were discussed within a systemic framework of the. children's social styles and practices.

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