Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Herbert Howard

Committee Members

Ed Caudill, Roxanne Hovland. John Finger


This study attempted to present a history of Arizona broadcaster/politician Jack Williams and the role he played in shaping his community and state in the middle decades of the Twentieth Century. Williams' broadcasting career spanned nearly 50 years and his political career carried him from school board president to 3-term governor of Arizona.

To complete this study, primary sources were utilized including personal papers, state records, city records, newspapers, radio station documents, and interviews. Federal Radio Commission documents and Federal Communication Commission documents were also used. Scripts from Williams' "Yours Sincerely" radio program on Radio Station KOY, Phoenix, Arizona, were analyzed as were political speeches from his campaigns for and terms as governor.

Among the findings of this study was the direct relationship Williams' radio broadcasting career had on his later becoming a political figure. Williams was found to be both a successful broadcaster and politician.

It was concluded that much of Williams' success as a broadcaster and as a politician could be attributed to his ability to adapt to change, his excellent managerial skills, and his keen business sense.

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