Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

John M. Peters

Committee Members

Katherine H. Greenberg, Kenneth R. Newton, Gene A. Hayes


My purpose in conducting this research project was to engage in collaborative action research with a group of experiential learning facilitators in order to improve our practice. We used the DATA-DATAn collaborative action research methodology to identify areas of needed improvement, examine personal assumptions, theorize about possible solutions, establish initial action plans, take action, collect data, reflect, analyze, theorize and act upon results. Reflections and results of individual action research cycles were continuously shared with the group to foster individual learning and group construction of knowledge. We concluded that changes in our practice did occur as a result of personal insights and growth experienced in action research. The data analysis revealed three categories of themes. The Role of Facilitator category provided metaphors for facilitation. Clarification of this role provided boundaries within which we operated as facilitators and established criteria for skills needed to improve our practice. The Relationship to the Group category included themes dealing with the nature of relationships we established with the participants. The effectiveness of a facilitator is in part a function of rapport with the group. Demonstrating personal vulnerability, sharing personal stories and caring for the group are three means by which rapport is established. The Role of Thought category speaks to personal growth we experienced as an increased awareness of our moment-to-moment thinking, an awareness of the reality we create by that thinking, and the resultant behaviors demonstrated as we act into and out of that created reality. Changes in practice are presented in terms of these categories. I discussed elements of the research design that enhanced collaborative learning and features of the research design that could have been more effective. I discussed my use of DATA-DATAn action research model and cited implications for further research in terms of the utility of the current version of the model.

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