Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

E. Dale Doak


The purpose of this study was to examine how nine elementary school teachers, grades fourth and fifth, reported using the World Wide Web with their students, and more specifically, how they incorporated information literacy skills in Web-based activities.

The following research questions were investigated:

• What is the teacher's understanding of the importance of the Web?

• What assignments or equivalents do they place on students that demonstrate the students' knowledge of information literacy and the Web?

• What information literacy instruction do they give students concerning the Web?

• How do teachers view students' abilities to use that knowledge in assessing what they find on the Web?

• What is the teacher's understanding of information literacy?

The qualitative research method used was a phenomenological study based on interviews structured around open-ended questions with spontaneous, related questions used to probe and illicit explanation and clarification. The transcriptions were filtered and analyzed using the software package NUD•IST. Findings of this study revealed that while participants viewed the Web and Web activities positively they did not feel their students were developmentally ready for information literacy instruction. The following conclusions were made:

• Teachers view the Web as an important resource for students and themselves and incorporate its use in assignments and activities.

• The participants in this study were unable or unwilling to provide opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge of information literacy during web activities.

• The participants' understanding of information literacy was absent at the conceptual level and not demonstrated in any student related activities.

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