Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Dianne Whitaker

Committee Members

Katherin Greenberg, Robert Kronick, Howard Pollio


The purpose of this study was to investigate the experience of trouble from the young adolescent's perspective. A phenomenological approach was used to investigate the adolescents' experience of trouble. The participants were asked, "Tell me about a time you got in trouble." The nine participants described the experience of trouble as containing three major themes grounded in an Other and Time. As the experience of trouble unravels the participants become aware of each theme in a specified sequence. These themes are brought in to awareness beginning with the presence of an Other, then an awareness of the Others power and finally a sense of no control when the Powerful Other "takes everything away." The Other is the most powerful influence in the adolescent's experience. If we desire to see changes in the adolescent and future society, then the Other will need to change the experience of trouble that leaves the adolescent better than they were found if at all possible.

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