Doctoral Dissertations


Sara Pacifici

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Modern Foreign Languages

Major Professor

Cynthia K. Duncan

Committee Members

Oscar Rivera-Rodas. Michael Handelsman, Sal DiMaria, Todd Diacon


The purpose of this study is to discuss the different aspects of eroticism, the body and love in the female protagonists of some works of Ethel Krauze: three collections of poems, Juan (1994), Houston (1996) and Amoreto (1999), and two novels, Infinita (1992) and Muieres en Nueva York (1993) . This study focuses on the main characters, their struggle to assert themselves as women, and their search to find their own identities through the analysis of the way they perceive,their own bodies, the sensuality and their sexual relations to their companions. Not only eroticism is viewed as one of the ways the female characters attempt to find and define themselves, but also, in this study, a close relation between poetry and eroticism is presented.

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