Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Rem B. Edwards

Committee Members

John Nolt, James Nelson, David Dungan


This dissertation lays the groundwork (1) for understanding why there is so much disagreement evident in the current discussion of what the Bible says about animal telos, and (2) perhaps for helping an individual work through a number of philosophical barriers in order to come to an understanding of what the Bible says about animal telos from his or her own worldview. First, the dissertation shows how some writers seemingly claim that the Judeo- Christian views apparent in the Bible have influenced the western world in such a way that they have significantly contributed to the wrong thinking about animal telos and the inhumane treatment of animals which it implies. However, other writers claim that the Judeo-Christian views apparent in the Bible are precisely what have raised awareness of animal concerns and have contributed to the better treatment of animals. The question begs to be answered, "Why is there such a radical difference in opinion on what a single book says about animal telos?" Second, the dissertation uncovers some of the underlying philosophical issues which tend comprise the worldviews that separate those who write about the Bible and animal telos. These differences in philosophical presuppositions are often subtle and thus do not clearly appear on the surface, but nevertheless generate a great deal of disagreement concerning the Bible and animal telos. Because of the variety of underlying presuppositions that different people have (particularly about the Bible), when they say, "Here is what the Bible says about X" it is almost as if they are talking about different books, rather than only one. Third, the dissertation reviews the reasoning of some important writers (Andrew Linzey, James Gustafson, Jay McDaniel, John Berkman, and Stanley Hauerwas) who have recently argued that the Bible view of animal telos favors better treatment of animals than some have traditionally contended. Fourth, in Appendix A the dissertation provides an in-depth catalog of biblical texts relevant to the issue of animal telos along with brief discussions of their significance for this topic.

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