Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

George K. Schweitzer

Committee Members

Joe Peterson, John Turner, Larry Miller, Saed Mirzadeh


The focus of this research was to develop a novel approach for the separation of 221Fr and 213Bi from 225Ac. First a method was developed to electrodeposit the actinium onto a cathode from a pH = 2 nitric acid solution. Yields for the electrodeposition approached 99% for a one hour deposition. The Joliot Equation was used to quantitate the process. A linear velocity constant of 0.23 cm/min was measured for the electrodeposition of 225Ac on a Pt electrode. To separate the 221Fr and 213Bi, the atoms were caught in an electrostatic field as they recoiled from the cathode. The collection yield was found to be dependent on the electrostatic field strength with a critical voltage of about 2000 volts, above which the yield leveled off. The maximum yields for 221Fr were found to occur after 40 minutes of collection. The yield for 221Fr approached 50% while that for 213Bi approached 99%. It was found that the activity of 221Fr on the collector plate could be calculated by multiplying the chain decay equation by a geometry correction factor of the form: f= 0.5(1 - cosΘ) where Θ = tan-1(R/d) and R = the radius of the collector and d is the distance between the plates. If secular equilibrium is assumed, then the equation reduces to simply: AFR = AAc*f- The collection of the recoil atoms of 221Fr and 213Bi in an electrostatic field has been shown an effective and efficient means of their separation from 225Ac.

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