Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Jan Rosinski


We study symmetric α-stable (SαS) processes defined on a separable metric space T whose finite dimensional distributions are invariant un-der a group of transformations of T. This extends the classical notion of stationarity of stochastic processes. Minimal integral representation on standard Borel space S of SαS pro-cess which is group stationary (G-stationary) in the above sense corre-sponds to a group of isometries of Lα(S, μ). We show that for 1 < α < 2 this group of isometries is generated by a group action and a measur-able cocycle on S. The pair of group action and cocycle induced this way is unique up to an isomorphism of group actions and cohomology equivalence relation for cocycles. We show that if a group action ad-mits a Borel selector, then cocycles are cohomologous if and only if the induce the same homomorphisms on the isotropy groups. As an application we give characterization of isotropic SαS random fields on R2 in terms of their minimal representations.

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