Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Nuclear Engineering

Major Professor

Eric Lukosi

Committee Members

Michael Howard, Lawrence H. Heilbronn, Dustin Osborne, Eric D. Lukosi


This research focuses on developing a low-dose radiotherapy (LD-RT) device for treating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This respiratory illness affects millions of people a year. Using orthovoltage (200 – 500 keV) X-ray energy provides many advantages over traditional radiotherapy delivery with linear accelerators, such as low cost and greater accessibility. In addition, X-ray tubes have been shown throughout history to provide good treatment outcomes for pneumonia, and research has shown LD-RT to be just as effective with ARDS. This proposal summarizes my efforts in determining the dosimetric properties of an LD-RT system to deliver treatment quickly and effectively. My research involves Monte Carlo transport simulations in MCNP to calculate a whole lung treatment's dose delivery and coverage. In addition, different setup geometries and beam modifications, such as filtration, are explored to optimize the treatment delivery. The development of such a system would greatly expand the treatment options for ARDS-type illness at a lower cost and greater accessibility than current radiotherapy options.

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