Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Biomedical Engineering

Major Professor

Richard D. Komistek

Committee Members

Dr. Reinbolt, Dr. Toai Luong, Dr. Komistek, Dr. LaCour


The human body is a complicated structure with muscles, ligaments, bones, and joints. Modeling human body with computational tools are becoming a trend [1]. More importantly, using computational tools to evaluate human body is a non-invasive technique that could help surgeons and researchers evaluate implant products [2]. Therefore, the development of a model which can analyze both implant sizing suggestion and kinematics of subject specific data could prove valuable. For total hip arthroplasty, one common complication is in vivo separation and dislocation of the femoral head within the acetabular cup [3] [4]. Developing a successful computational tool to address this issue includes developing a dynamic model of hip joint, implementing implant sizing suggestion algorithms and computing component alignments. Due to advancement in technology, the current focus has been to develop patient-specific solutions, a combined program of both hip model and implant suggestion model has been developed.

In this dissertation, the primary objective is to develop a fully functional hip analysis software that not only can suggestion and template the implant sizing and position, but the software can also utilize the patient specific data to run simulation with different activities. The second objective of this dissertation is to conduct hip analysis studies using hip analysis software. Overall, the results in this dissertation discuss the effect of different stem positions and surgeon preferences on the outcome of the Total Hip Arthroplasty.


This is my final dissertation revision.

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