"Not a Tracing: A Map" by Emily Jalloul

Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Iliana Rocha

Committee Members

Ben Lee, Rebecca Gayle Howell, Kristina Gordon


This work concerns women within a single family and the ways that these women experience various levels and types of trauma, ranging from sexual trauma and child abuse to addiction and mental illness. Using various types of research and childhood memories, as well as the inherited stories from generations prior, this poetic memoir investigates long-term effects of intergenerational trauma on the collective consciousness. Not a Tracing employs rhizomatic philosophies both in research and in form, braiding narratives and moving from eras, emphasizing circularity throughout the manuscript. It also employs research from leading trauma and feminist researchers, as well as notable organizations like RAINN and the American Psychological Association.

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