Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Plant, Soil and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

B. S. Pickett

Committee Members

Hendrik van de Werken, Homer D. Swingle, Joe S. Alexander, Sandra Bell


The use of mutagenic chemicals applied to induced adventitious buds as means of increasing mutation rates in horticultural crops was tried. Large numbers of adventitious buds were encouraged by application of 6-furfurylamino purine plus indole-3-acetic acid on the Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. "Mandalay" and Pyrus Malus cv. "Triple Red Delicious." Some adventitious buds appeared on Pyrus Malus treated with kinetin plus lAA were apparently in response to extended life span rather than to chemical stimulation. With Chrysanthemum morifolium cv. "Mandalay," how-ever, the treatment of the combination of these chemicals increased the number of adventitious buds formed. Adventitious buds seemed to originate in pericycle, outer phloem and cambium in the case of Pyrus Malus. and from endodermis, pericycle, or wound callus in the case of Chrysanthemum morifolium. Application of colchicine to adventitious buds of chrysanthemum increased color mutations, and increased size mutations, whereas EMS induced lightening of colors without significant size changes. Changes in Malus were noted.

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