Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Merton B. Badenhop

Committee Members

David W. Brown, Irving Dubov, Keith E. Phillips


The purpose of the study was to analyze how the regulated markets in Mysore State might be developed and restructured as one alternative to improve the efficiency of marketing food grains. Only secondary data was used for the study. Most of the data were derived from the publications of the State Marketing Department, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Economics and Statistics and the University of Agricultural Sciences in Mysore State.

The study consisted of five objectives all interrelated with one another. The first objective was to identify the major defects in the existing regulated markets relating to their structure, methods of price determination, weighing and grading, storage, and methods of operation, to develop a model design of physical facilities needed and to outline the operational procedures for their efficient functioning. The second objective was to identify the causes of low arrivals in some regulated markets and suggest an optimum pattern for location of regulated markets. The third objective was to suggest a uniform staffing pattern for all regulated markets essential for their efficient functioning. The fourth objective was to propose a model State Agricultural Marketing Board to supervise the activities of regulated markets in the state. The fifth objective was to set up a Market Development, Research and Survey unit to carry out research in the field of agricultural marketing.

With these objectives in view, first, an estimate of food grains to be moved into urban areas in the next 15 years was made to indicate the magnitude of agricultural marketing problems. Next, a model design of physical facilities needed and the operating personnel required for a regulated market, along with operational procedures for efficient functioning, were outlined. Based on the area under cultivation, area under irrigation, and marketable surplus available in each of the 19 districts, a pattern for the relocation of regulated markets along with their areas of coverage assuming a 15 mile radius for each market was illustrated by figures. It was considered that 107 regulated markets were sufficient for the state as against the existing 155 regulated markets for the whole state.

In view of the huge sums of public money involved in the operations of regulated markets, a State Agriculture Marketing Board was found necessary to supervise their activities. Hence, a model for establishing a board along with its functions and powers was outlined.

Considering the importance of research in improving the efficiency of marketing food grains, a model framework for a Market Development, Research and Survey unit at the state level, along with a list of important research projects to be undertaken by this organization, was indicated.

Finally, an attempt was made to outline how the Farmers Cooperatives, the Food Corporation of India, and private trade could coordinate with a network of well organized regulated markets with the sole objective of improving the efficiency of the marketing system for food grains in Mysore State.

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