Doctoral Dissertations


Magdy Hefnawy

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Animal Science

Major Professor

Hugh O. Jaynes

Committee Members

Ada Marie Campbell, Bobby Joe Demott, Sharon Melton


A concentrated syrup with 80% solids was prepared from whey after hydrolysis of lactose. Four enzymes were evaluated for efficiency, and Maxilact 20,000 was used in the study. Appropriate treatments for hydrolysis of lactose, deproteinization, decolorization, demineralization and concentrations were established. The syrup had a pleasantly sweet flavor, was light yellow in color, and had an apparent viscosity of 2050 centiposes. When corn syrup (3.75% by wt) in vanilla ice cream was replaced by the hydrolyzed lactose syrup, there was no reduction of quality as judged by an expert panel.

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