Doctoral Dissertations


Rui XueFollow

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

David Mandrus

Committee Members

Cristian Batista, Jian Liu, Haidong Zhou


Magnetic kagome lattice compound has drawn much attention with their high possibilities of holding the unique magnetic structures, which bring enormous extraordinary physics phenomena, such as frustrated magnetism, electronic correlation, and topological electronic structure. In this study, rare earth compounds RMn6Sn6 (R = Y, Sc, Lu) are investigated. The Topological Hall eect was proved to be a common gure in those three materials. Also, they all have a complicated magnetic phase competing before spin saturation. Magnetization, electrical transport, and transverse properties of those materials are explored. Type-II Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 is also studied using Resonant Ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS). From previous studies, a transition in Co3Sn2S2 around 125 K was under debate. Our RUS result shows a high sensitivity to ultrasound frequency changes at the transition temperature. Also, the elastic modulus as a function of temperature is studied. By performing those studies on our kagome metals, a better understanding of the relationship between the magnetic structure and intrinsic physical properties will be established.

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