Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Jacob J. Levy

Committee Members

Joseph Miles, Debra Baldwin, Rebecca Zakrajsek


Using the Big Five Factor model of personality, this study examined personality profiles of NCAA Division I collegiate swimmers. Such analysis can be beneficial in assessing the relative person-environment fit for these athletes as they matriculate through their sport career. The sample included 320 current NCAA DI swimmers. First, personality profiles of swimmers who compete in various distance groups (short, middle, and long) were compared. Results indicated no significant differences between distance groups, but identified conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, optimism, and sense of identity as personality trait strengths by magnitude. Next, an examination of swimmers’ personality in relation to athletic satisfaction, achievement, and aspirations was conducted. Results indicated significant relationships between the traits of emotional stability, agreeableness, and optimism. Practical implications for these findings are discussed.

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