Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Oleg Shylo, John Kobza

Committee Members

Oleg Shylo, John Kobza, Anahita Khojandi, Michael Langston


This research focuses on communicative solvers that run concurrently and exchange information to improve performance. This “team of solvers” enables individual algorithms to communicate information regarding their progress and intermediate solutions, and allows them to synchronize memory structures with more “successful” counterparts. The result is that fewer nodes spend computational resources on “struggling” processes. The research is focused on optimization of communication structures that maximize algorithmic efficiency using the theoretical framework of Markov chains. Existing research addressing communication between the cooperative solvers on parallel systems lacks generality: Most studies consider a limited number of communication topologies and strategies, while the evaluation of different configurations is mostly limited to empirical testing. Currently, there is no theoretical framework for tuning communication between cooperative solvers to match the underlying hardware and software. Our goal is to provide such functionality by mapping solvers’ dynamics to Markov processes, and formulating the automatic tuning of communication as a well-defined optimization problem with an objective to maximize solvers’ performance metrics.

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