Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Business Administration

Major Professor

Christopher W. Craighead, Stephanie Eckerd

Committee Members

John E. Bell, Wenjun Zhou


While size asymmetry (e.g., large buyer and small supplier) has been discussed in a no-disruption operation context (Lee & Johnson, 2012), little is known whether, how and why a large buyer reacts differently when different-sized suppliers cause different types of disruptions. Extant research suggests in a supplier-induced disruption supplier’s recovery actions yield various effects in a dependence-unbalancing setting, indicating a need for a deeper understanding of what buyers prefer in order to resolve disruptions caused by facing different sized suppliers and the rationales behind the decisions. Accordingly, this dissertation examines whether and how the supplier size and supplier-induced disruption type impact commitment (i.e., enduring desire to maintain the relationship) as well as buyers’ preferred use of mediated power (i.e., use of extrinsic motivation to influence the target party) in Essay 1, and the rationales behind the buyers’ different reactions in supplier-induced disruption in Essay 2.

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