Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

Russell French

Committee Members

Jeffrey Aper, Don Dessart, Tom Turner


The development and use of Web-based and Web-enhanced courses have increased at a rate that is exceeding the ability of researchers to keep up with this intense pace. The issues in evaluating these new Web-based courses are complex and need to be addressed. Using data collected from surveys, interviews, document reviews andliterature reviews, the researcher developed a practitioner-oriented model for evaluating institutional, instructor, and student readiness for Web-based instruction and the results of Web-based courses. Survey participants were administrators and faculty who are members of the twenty-two institutionsrepresented by the East Tennessee Consortium for Higher Education. Additional interviews were also conducted with administrators at six virtual institutions that were not members of the East Tennessee Consortium for Higher Education.

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