Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Peter Cummings

Committee Members

Ariel Chialvo, Robert Compton, Jeffery Kovac


This dissertation seeks to address some of the basic problems involved in modeling the thermodynamics of infinitely dilute organic molecules at hydrothermal conditions and presents an equation of state for simple acyclic organic solutes. The proposed equation should allow accurate predictions to 630 K., an increase of roughly 150 degrees over earlier work. However, several of the predicted thermodynamic trends were unexpected. Free energy of formation calculations strongly suggested that at high temperature (T > 480 K) the existence oflarger, more complex organic molecules was preferred over the existence of smaller, less complex organic molecules. These results are quite opposite to the situation at room temperature, where the existence of smaller organic solutes is preferred over large molecules. Similar trends were also found in the predicted organic aqueous solubilities. As an independent check of the free energy predictions, classical molecular dynamics calculations were conducted and the results were found to be in good agreement with the equation of state's predicted trends.

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