Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

Mary Jane Connelly

Committee Members

Lloyd Davis, Marvin Ernst, George Harris


The conception of this research study resulted from an interest in the job satisfaction of teachers in the Tennessee Association of Christian Schools (TACS). The underlying purpose of this study was to identify work-related dimensions which could be predictors of overall job satisfaction for teachers in TACS, to identify groups of work-related variables (intrinsic, extrinsic, and religious) which could be predictors of TACS teachers' satisfaction with work-related dimensions, and to identify demographic variables which could account for differences of overall job satisfaction for teachers in TACS. The research problem is important in that a number of components inherent to key motivational theories have not been studied in schools that are members of TACS as a means of determining teacher job satisfaction. The population of the study consisted of 369 full-time teachers in 34 traditional TACS schools. The TACSQ, the survey questionnaire, was comprised of two sections: a 28-item nondemographic section and an 11-item demographic section.

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