Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Ernest W. Brewer

Committee Members

Gregory Petty, Connie Hollingsworth, Schuyler Huck


The researcher conducted a national survey among members of a national association of Hispanic masters in business administration. Two-hundred and four individuals completed and returned surveys, representing a 51 % response rate. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between job stress and perception of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace. Analyses also considered job pressure and lack of organizational support, both included as subscales in the instrument used to assess job stress. The study investigated whether or not perceptions of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace accounted for a significant variability of job stress, job pressure, and lack of organizational support above and beyond that accounted for by demographic variables. In addition, the study examined demographic differences on perceptions of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace. Investigated demographic variables were age, education level, employment status, ethnic diverse workplace, gender, immigrant status, region of residence, and tenure. Perceptions of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace showed significant relationships to job stress and to lack of organizational support; both relationships showed to be positive, although low. The relationship between perceptions of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace and job pressure was not significant. Perceptions of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace accounted for more variability on job stress and on lack of organizational support than did that accounted for by demographic variables. The analysis of differences on perceptions of prejudice and discrimination regarding demographic variables showed age and tenure as significant effects on perceptions of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace.

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