Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Major Professor
Leonard Handler
The current study examines the personality structure of conduct disordered adolescents who are being treated via residential care. Personality is assessed using the Rorschach, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent Form, and the Child Behavior Checklist Parent form and Youth Self Report. Findings from these instruments are used to evaluate personality attributes discussed in the conduct disorder research such as impulsivity, egocentricity, low ego strength, oppositionality, emotional detachment, and failed identification. Changes on these instruments from admission to discharge are then examined to evaluate any personality changes that may be the result of the residential treatment interventions. The results generally show improved functioning when the MMPI-A and CBCL were used to measure change, as is consistent with other residential treatment studies. Few personality changes were seen when the Rorschach was used. These findings are discussed within several contexts. The personality changes are compared with those described by Donald Rinsley (1980) in his discussion of long-term hospital treatment. Differences among assessment techniques are discussed using Strupp and Hadley's (1977) tripartite model of outcome assessment as an explanatory framework.
Recommended Citation
Riethmiller, Robert J., "A look at personality change among conduct disordered adolescents in residential treatment. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2002.