Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Human Ecology

Major Professor

Connie Steele


This qualitative investigation into the experiences of parents of biracial (Black-White) children was designed to explore and offer insight into the lives of these interracial families, including both the rewards they enjoy and the challenges they face. After an account into the history of interracial dating and miscegenation laws in this country was presented and a thorough examination of the applicable scholarly literature was offered, the rationale for this study became apparent. This project consisted of interviews with ten parents of biracial (Black-White) children. The ten participants were from the Greater Knoxville, Tennessee area and were either African American or Caucasian. Three married couples were involved in this study. Of the remaining four participants, one mother was currently married (though her husband chose not to be interviewed), one mother was separated and going through a formal divorce, and one male and one female participant had never been married. As a group, these parents were rearing eleven biracial children, ranging in age from eighteen months to thirteen years. Also, three step-children were included in these households, of whom two were also biracial.

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