Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Ziling (Ben) Xue

Committee Members

James Q. Chambers, Jamie L. Adcock, Charles F. Moore


This dissertation focuses on the development of optical acid and base sensors and their uses in ternary systems. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the dissertation. Background on topics related to the optical sensors is discussed including: measurement of pH (mild and harsh conditions), optical pH sensing (aqueous and ternary systems), basic sol-gel processing, and a summary of instruments used in this research. Chapter 2 involves the use of optical acid and base sensors in concentrated NaOH-ROH-HZO (R = Me, Et, i-Pr) mixed solvent systems, in which a novel linear relationship is observed between (aA/aCalcohol) and Obese for high pKal indicators encapsulated in sol-gel (ZrSiy02(x+y))-organic polymer composites. This relationship leads to a dual transducer approach to give Chase and Calcoho. with high accuracy and precision. In addition, the selection of indicators with high pKas, large dynamic spectral ranges, and chemical stability to OH' attack and oxidation is presented.

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