Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

T. Barnes


We calculate KN elastic scattering phase shifts at Born order in a quark interchange model with one-gluon exchange and linear scalar confinement. We find that quark-gluon forces are insufficient to explain the experimentally large spin-orbit interaction, especially evident in the P-waves. DN scattering amplitudes are simply related to the KN amplitudes, the only new parameter being the charm quark mass, and phase shifts for DN scattering are calculated. No DN bound states are found. Phase shifts for K* N elastic scattering are calculated, and the formalism developed may be easily generalized to the scattering of hadrons of arbitrary spins. Inelasticities in KN scattering are large experimentally, and as a first step toward including the inelastic contribution to the elastic scattering phase shifts we compute the KN ➔ K* N scattering amplitudes. Finally, we develop the model for J /1.p-nucleon scattering and calculate cross sections for the reactions J /1.p ➔ 15°"£t, 15° At, and n-*"£t+.

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