Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Joy T. DeSensi


There are rapidly rising numbers of female athletes who enter and graduate from colleges and universities in the United States. Among those who graduate from colleges/universities, there are significant numbers of female athletes who have to encounter and overcome various types of social barriers as they pursue athletic career opportunities in American society. Under the influence of male-dominated social orders, female athletes may have limited opportunities in their chosen sports careers when compared to their male counterparts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore how female intercollegiate athletes understand their athletic and academic experiences and their perceptions of career opportunities in sport and sport-related fields. Subsequently, this study focuses on how these women athletes make career decisions based on these understandings. Qualitative research methodology is utilized and consists of semi-structured interview questions based on the feminist perspective of standpoint theory and cultural studies. The participants for this study are eight National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division-I female athletes who are pursuing some type of career in sport and sport-related fields. These participants are geographically located in the Midwest and Southeast regions of the United States. The major themes which emerge during the analysis phase of this study include (a) athletic experiences, (b) perceptions regarding career, and (c) barriers. Sub-themes also emerge within each of these major themes. Within the theme of athletic experiences, positive experiences, negative experiences, career decision making and career opportunities in sport, and building personality emerge as sub-themes. Perceptions regarding the career theme is comprised of six sub-themes including perceptions in general, location, impact of Title IX, qualifications, socialization, and role-models. The barriers theme includes the three sub themes of social barriers, playing opportunities after college, and homophobia. The results of the study reveals that the participants have positive attitudes toward their athletic career experiences. They also have high levels of self-confidence about their qualifications as a professional person based on their athletic experiences and academic preparation throughout their career. It is evident that the participants make their career decisions based on the perceptions and understandings of their athletic and academic experiences. At the same time, the participants are aware of the various types of social barriers which may significantly restrict their athletic career opportunities. Despite the social barriers, the participants have strong intentions of continuing to pursue their careers in sports as a player or in some other sport-related areas.

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