"Design and Synthesis of Novel Tylophorine Analogs and their Biological" by Julio Gutierrez

Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

David C. Baker

Committee Members

Michael D. Best, Ziling (Ben) Xue, Engin H. Serpersu


Alkaloids containing the nitrogen atom in the bridgehead position of two rings, such as indolizidine, pyrrolizidine, and quinolizidine alkaloids, have a wide and varied distribution in nature. Some of these alkaloids demonstrate a broad range of pharmacological activities and have generated substantial synthetic interest. This thesis covers the total synthesis of novel tylophorine analogs called DCB 3503, DCB 3506, DCB 3507, DCB 3508, DCB 3509, and a derivative with a biotinylated chain attached to DCB 3506 for use as a biological probe. This thesis discusses the biological activity of these compounds as well.

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