Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counselor Education

Major Professor

Jeannine Studer


The following dissertation describes a quantitative cross sectional survey of counseling interns' perceived needs during concurrent supervision. Concurrent supervision is the triad in which the university and site supervisor simultaneously provide supervision for the counseling intern (Jungersen, 2008). The purpose of this study was to explore interns' perceptions of their supervision needs when receiving concurrent (university-based and site-based) supervision. Specifically, this study investigated counseling interns' perceived needs in university and site supervision in areas of supervisor receptivity, supervisory functions and roles, and mode of supervision as measured by the Supervisees' Perceived Needs in Supervision Questionnaire -- Revised (Portrie-Bethke & Hill, 2008). Results suggest that university and site supervision differ in the supervision methods used. Furthermore, there is a significant correlation between time spent in supervision and supervision mode used. Finally, interns perceive the relationship factors and supervisor roles as important in concurrent supervision, which may be affected by specific supervision factors.

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