Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

Dayakar Penumadu


The growing use of foam core composite sandwich structures has increased considerably in order to reduce the costs of acquisition and maintenance and to improve the operational performance for naval vessels. This study, which is the only one of its kind, focuses on understanding the properties and response of H100 PVC foam and carbon fiber vinyl/ester facing sandwich layups to static, dynamic, and cyclic loads in the presence of sea water, moisture, low temperature, and hydrostatic pressure. Several mechanical properties of both component materials have been identified. The degradations induced by sea water on foam, facing and sandwich were investigated, characterized and quantified. These included the Mode I fracture toughness of foam as well as the interfacial delamination fracture toughness at the foam/facing interface. In addition, the thermal properties of foam and facings were investigated as well as the effects of cryogenic temperatures. This dissertation presents several novel experimental techniques and computational schemes.

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