Doctoral Dissertations

Orcid ID

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Energy Science and Engineering

Major Professor

Michael A. Langston

Committee Members

Russell Zaretzki, Nina Fefferman, Audris Mockus


High dimensional and complex biological data continues to burgeon, making the development and automation of data-driven algorithms and workflows ever-more important. Focusing on graph the-oretical methods, we study graph construction and analytics for two foundational problems. In the first, we explore techniques for the thresholding of simple, undirected, edge-weighted biologicalgraphs. In the second, we build resting state brain graphs from magnetoencephalographic data, on which we use a number of graph metrics to compare individuals, brainwaves and epoch lengths.In a separate effort, we move down the evolutionary ladder and take a look at the functional and metabolic differences between Escherichia coli phylotypes. Throughout, we develop novel data-driven methodologies and focus on exposing underlying assumptions of previous data-analysis workflows.


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