Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

Andrew J. Yu

Committee Members

Anahita Khojandi, James L. Simonton, Reza Abedi


When dealing with research of any kind there are no set guidelines other than general frameworks on how to measure the performance of the research. This presents a large problem for most Institutions and Principle Investigators trying to conduct research proficiently. Because there are no performance management plans on how to conduct research proficiently, Project Management techniques were implemented using an Agile system to measure the performance of research.Using an Agile system for research allows the researcher to develop key performance indicators that shows how proficiently the research is being conducted. This will also allow the user to see any areas in the research where there are bottlenecks that will impede the research progress. This performance management system should also allow users to understand how to implement experiments steps at the same time to ensure the research gets done as promptly as possible.Altogether this performance management system will be a highly detailed research performance plan that is not limited to types of research fields and budgetary restrictions. This performance management plan will enable researchers to conduct research as efficiently and effectively as possible with highly specialized plans.

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