Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Life Sciences

Major Professor

Albrecht von Arnim

Committee Members

Mariano Labrador, Michael Gilchrist, Michael Langston


Translation of mRNA into protein is a critical step in gene expression, but the principles guiding its regulation at the genome level are not completely understood. Translation can be quantified at a genome scale by measuring the ribosome loading of mRNA—the extent to which mRNA is associated with ribosomes. In this dissertation, I present investigations into how genome-wide ribosome loading is controlled in Arabidopsis thaliana. In chapter 1, I give an overview of regulation of ribosome loading and translation. In chapter 2, I present research demonstrating for the first time that genome-wide ribosome loading in plants is partially controlled by the circadian clock. In chapter 3, I present a study of a computational model that describes how various biochemical steps control ribosome loading. And in chapter 4, I conclude by briefly summarizing the dissertation as a whole and discussing future perspectives.

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