"Hankel Operators on the Drury-Arveson Space" by James Allen Sunkes III

Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Stefan Richter

Committee Members

Mike Frazier, Carl Sundberg, Michael Berry


The Drury-Arveson space, initially introduced in the proof of a generalization of von Neumann's inequality, has seen a lot of research due to its intrigue as a Hilbert space of analytic functions. This space has been studied in the context of Besov-Sobolev spaces, Hilbert spaces with complete Nevanlinna Pick kernels, and Hilbert modules. More recently, McCarthy and Shalit have studied the connections between the Drury-Arveson space and Hilbert spaces of Dirichlet series, and Davidson and Cloutare have established analogues of classic results of the ball algebra to the multiplier algebra for the Drury-Arveson Space.

The goal of this dissertation is to contribute to this growing body of research by studying the Hankel operators on the Drury-Arveson Space. We begin by establishing basic results regarding the function theoretic properties of the Drury-Arveson space and general properties of Hankel operators. It is then shown that every invariant subspace of the d-shift on the Drury-Arveson space is an at most countable intersection of kernels of Hankel operators. We then prove that if a function and its reciprocal lie in the Drury-Arveson space, then that function must be a cyclic vector. In addition, we prove that each multiplier invariant subspace on the vector-valued Drury-Arveson space is an intersection of kernels of vectorial Hankel operators, and we characterize a special class of symbols which induce a bounded Hankel operator in terms of a Carleson measure condition on the symbol.

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