Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Entomology and Plant Pathology

Major Professor

Arthur C. Cole, Jr.

Committee Members

J. T. Salmon, D. A. Crossly, James T. Tanner, Royal E. Shanks


Introduction: Since Cook's voyage of 1772-1775, numerous expeditions, nationally and independently supported, have explored coastal and inland areas of Antarctica. The primary purpose of most early scientific expeditions was directed toward a study of the physical nature of the continent. In most instances, biologists were not included as expedition personnel and a large portion of the information concerning the flora and fauna of the continent has been contributed by investigators trained in a variety of scientific disciplines. A very few systematic investigations of land flora and soil fauna have been made. In spite of the obvious inadequacy of such investigations, a considerable number of arthropod species have been reported from various part of Antarctica.

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