Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Administration

Major Professor

John W. Gilliland

Committee Members

Orin B. Graff, Howard Aldmon, Lawrence O. Haaby, E. S. Christenbury


Introduction: One of the most challenging problems confronting educators today is that of fostering continuous professional growth. School systems throughout the country are wanting to know more about new methods and techniques of improving their in-service education programs.

The growth and development of in-service education in the United States is complicated by the influence of various factors contributing to the gradual structuring of the total educational program, of which the promotion of professional growth on the part of teachers has been only a small part. The growth and development of in-service education is further complicated by the fact that its development has not been uniform within the states. In the course of its development, in-service programs have reflected the differences in the educational programs of the forty-eight states, differences that arose from freedom of each state to shape its own educational program and from the efforts that were made by all states to meet the needs of different groups throughout the country.

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